Особые случаи образования множественного числа

Единственное число Перевод Множественное число
man мужчина men
woman женщина women
foot нога feet
tooth зуб teeth
mouse мышь mice
goose гусь geese
sheep овца sheep
deer олень deer
ox бык oxen
child ребенок children
fish рыба fish


Некоторые существительные в английском языке употребляются только в единственном числе: advice , information , hair , knowledge , progress , furniture , news , а также названия наук, оканчивающихся на - cs .

Слова, обозначающие предметы, состоящие из двух частей ( trousers , pants , shorts , scissors , glasses , spectacles ), названия некоторых игр ( billiard , draughts ) и некоторые другие ( clothes , goods , savings ) употребляются только в форме множественного числа.


Притяжательный падеж

(The Possessive Case)

В современном английском языке имя существительное имеет 2 падежа: общий, не имеющий специ­альных окончаний, и притяжательный.

1. Притяжательный падеж одушевленных имен существительных в единственном числе образуется пу­тем прибавления к существительному окончания ' s (т.е. знака апострофа и буквы s), которое произ­носится [s], [z] или [iz], т.е. как окончание множественного числа существительных (см. выше правила чтения):

the student's bag — сумка студента

2. Притяжательный падеж имен существительных во множественном числе образуется путем прибавле­ния только апострофа:

the students' bags — сумки студентов

Если существительное во множественном числе не имеет окончания - s , то притяжательный падеж образуется, как и в единственном числе, путем прибавления ' s :

the children's room — комната детей

3. Притяжательный падеж сложных существительных образуется путем прибавления окончания ' s к последнему существительному:

my mother-in-law's house — дом моей свекрови

Peter-the-First's reign — царствование Петра Первого

4. Когда два лица и более являются обладателями одного и того же предмета, окончание притяжательного падежа прибавляется к последнему существительному:

Peter and John's book — книга Петра и Джона

5. Когда обозначается принадлежность предмета предмету, а не лицу, употребляется:

— либо конструкция с предлогом of :

the walls of the town — стены города

the legs of the table — ножки стола

— либо два существительных в общем падеже стоят рядом, причем первое используется в качестве определения ко второму:

coffee table — журнальный столик

tennis ground — теннисный корт

6. Кроме одушевленных существительных, притяжательный падеж имеют:

— существительные, обозначающие время и расстояние, такие, как second , minute , hour , day , night , week , month , year , fortnight :

a month's leave — месячный отпуск

— существительные, являющиеся названиями стран, городов, а также слова: country , city , ship , world , nature , earth :

Moscow's theatres are the best in the world. — Театры Москвы - лучшие в мире.

7. Если имя собственное оканчивается на -s, обычно добавляется ' s :

            Denis's ['denisiz ] new book — новая книга Дениса

  Charles's [tja:lziz ] wife — жена Чарльза


Dickens' novel ['dikinsiz ] — роман Диккенса

Socrates' ideas ['sokratsiz ] — идеи Сократа




Exercise 1. Write the plural form of the following nouns.

 Story, play, glass, sheep, woman, flag, name, match, room-mate, knife, bush, foot, mouse, prize, set, factory, child, tooth, key, wolf, datum, man-of-war.


Exercise 2. Write the singular form of the following nouns.

Geese, oxen, deer, classes, tables, shelves, boys, countries, phenomena, pages, chiefs, dogs, cities.


Exercise 3. Divide the following words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns (you must get 25 uncountable nouns).

 Furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permit, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laugher.


Exercise 4. Paraphrase the following using the possessive case.


Example: The son of our manager – our manager’s son


The house of Mr. Smith, a doll of the girl, a meeting of the employees, the books of the children, the cottage of my parents, the influence of the sun, the arrival of the ship, the policy of the company, the children of my aunt Ann, the times of Ivan the Terrible, the wives of Henry the Eighth, the gravitation of the planet.



Exercise 5. Make the following sentences in the plural form.

It’s very difficult question to answer. 2. That was a cookie jar. 3. What is that child’s name? 4. The cat has caught a mouse. 5. There was a lady, a gentlemen, a boy and a girl in the room. 6. We could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 7. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? 8. Why don’t you eat this potato? 9. This strawberry is still green. 10. Can you see a bird in that tree? 11. Does your tooth still ache? 12. His child studies very well. 13. There is a new house in our street. 14. This story is very interesting. 15. Put this knife on the table. 16. He keeps his toy in a box.


Exercise 6. Choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. In one sentence either thesingular or plural verb is possible.

1. Gymnastics is/are my favorite sport.

2. The trousers you bought for me doesn't/don't fit me.

3. The police want/wants to interview two men about the robbery lastweek.

4. Physics was/were my best subject atschool.

5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't/aren't sharp enough.

6. Fortunately the news wasn't/weren't as bad as we expected.

7. Where does/do your family live?

8. Three days isn't/aren't long enough for a good holiday.

9. I can't find my binoculars. Do you know where it is / they are?

10. Do you think the people is/are happy with the government?

11. Does/Do the police know how the accident happened?

12. I don't like very hot weather. Thirty degrees is/are too warm forme.




1. A newspaper of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia published a survey of differences between university and school. So, read the text and find out for yourself.


How Uni is Different from School


There are considerable differences between school and Uni, and first-year students will encounter a whole new set of expectations and learn a new set of skills. If education is an intellectual journey, then starting university can be like visiting a foreign country. There is its own culture, language, rules and regulations and ways of doing things. The transition from school to Uni is one of life's big adventures. Like any journey, it can be exciting, challenging and frightening all at the same time.

University students are a diverse bunch, drawn from a wide range of ages, places, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds.

University course materials might be delivered in unfamiliar ways and will require new, approaches. Instead of sitting in a class between 9am and 4pm learning a set curriculum, Uni students can often choose from a wide range of courses. There is a varied timetable that they plan themselves. They might be attending lectures for the first time where they are expected to take notes, or learning online with new technologies.

There are many differences between school and Uni but perhaps the biggest difference is that Uni students are expected to be independent learners. Uni offers students far more control over their work than school. Uni also offers far less supervision.



considerable - значительный

to encounter - встретиться, столкнуться

challenging - вызывающий

diverse bunch - разнообразная группа

range - ряд, выбор

supervision - надсмотр, надзор


2. Answer the questions:

- Are there considerable differences between school and uni?

- What is the main difference between school and uni from your point of view?

- What difficulties did you encounter?

- Do you like studying at the Volgograd State Pedagogical University?


3. Please, point out nouns in the plural or the singular form in the text above.

4. Make a range of nouns to the following two themes:

School                                                   University                   


5. Give a short summary of the text in English.





1. Listen to the dialogue.


- What shall we do this afternoon, John? Have you got any plans?

- Actually I want to repair some things at home.

- Do you? Why don't we spend a nice afternoon together? I could make you some coffee and we could have some cake ...

- I'd love to have a drink with you but I'm afraid I have to do some work. Look at the garden! It looks terrible. I need some shears to cut the hedge.

- You could do it tomorrow morning.

- No, no. Tomorrow morning I'm playing bowls with George so I'll have to do everything now. I'll put on my old jeans and plant some flowers. Where are my glasses? I can't read what it says on the seed packets.

- I thought we could play dominoes or read some classics.

- You'd better put your dungarees on and help me clean the garden. The stairs to the veranda need mending. When our guests arrive next week they'll break their legs in those holes. Oh, and I should pick up that broken glass from the pavement.

- It would be better if I brought two glasses and we drank some wine.

- You'd better bring me the scissors and a cloth to wipe the garden table.

- I don't understand you. You don't usually bother to take care of the garden, but now, instead of resting a bit after a tiring week, you want to devote Saturday afternoon to cleaning and cutting the grass.

- I promise you, Kate, that when I finish, we'll sit down in the garden and have a glass of wine.

- Alright. I'll help you so that we can get everything done faster.

- Great, let's get to work!


2. What was it about?

3. Read it and point out all of the nouns.


Funny pages


Read and smile.


1. Teacher: Kate, this homework is in you father’s handwriting.

Kate: Yes, Miss. I used his pen.


2. There are two lost explorers in the desert. One of them says, “There is some good news and some bad news. The bad news is we are going to have to eat sand.” His friend says, “Gosh, what’s the good news?” “There is a plenty of it.”



Variant I


Change the nouns in italics into plural form in the sentences.


1. Put the box on the shelf.

2. I have hurt my foot.

3. Where is the knife?

4. The last leaf fell from the tree.

5. The roof of the house was covered with snow.

6. A copy of the contract was sent to Moscow.

7. I like his new play.

Variant II


Change the nouns in italics into singular form in the sentences.


1. Women and children are coming to the shore.

2. The keys to the boxes were lost.

3. The wolves were shot.

4. These factories produce furniture.

5. The mice were caught.

6. Copies of these letters will be sent to New York.

7. These stories are very long.


( The Adjective )

Именем прилагательным называется часть речи, кото­рая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопрос what? ка­ кой? Например: red красный, good хороший, interesting интересный, Russian русский. Имена прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются ни по родам, ни по числам, ни по падежам: a young man молодой
a young woman молодая женщина, young people молодые
with a young man с молодим человеком. Имена прилагательные ­
 в английском языке могут изменяться только по степеням

В предложении имя прилагательное стоит перед именем существительным, к которому оно относится.

I have bought a red pencil. – Я купил красный карандаш.

Когда существительное определяется двумя или более прилагательными, те из них, которые более тесно связаны по смыслу с существительным, ставятся ближе к нему.

He is a clever young man. – Он умный молодой мужчина.

She put on a new black woolen dress. – Она надела новое черное шерстяное платье.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 312; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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