Примеры использования разных типов местоимений   

Personal pronouns

Nobody except me knows where the key is kept, and I am not telling you.

Tom is faster than me, but I am stronger than him.

Thailand is quite unusual: it has never been ruled by another country.

My bike’s been given trouble, so I am taking it into the garage.

John is two years older than Mary, but she is nearlyas tall as him.



Alice hurt her foot very badly yesterday.

Take your foot out of the table. Its legs are not very strong.

That dog hurt its tail.

Chris and Pam never cut the grass in their garden.

That is my   coat, and the scarf is mine too.

His score was better than hers.

Their holiday starts the week after ours.

Some, any , no

S ome (немного, несколько) употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и в вопросах-просьбах:

I have some money.

He has some books about England.

Any (немного, несколько) употребляется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях

Если a ny употребляется в утвердительных предложениях, то переводится «любой»:

You can exchange dollars in any bank.

No употребляется в отрицательных предложениях, переводится «нисколько»:

He has no money to buy this car.


I have some money.

Do you have any money?

I don’t have any money.

I have no money.

Местоимения some, any, no имеют несколько производных, правила их употребления такие же

Somebody anybody nobody

Something anything nothing

Somewhere anywhere nowhere


There is something I can do.

Is there anything I can do?

There isn’t anything I can do.

There is  nothing I can do.

 I went nowhere during the holidays.

I didn’t go anywhere during the holidays.

Much, Many( много )

Little , F ew (мало, недостаточно)

A little, a few( мало , достаточно )

Much употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, many с исчисляемыми

There is much snow in winter

There are many trees in the garden


Little, a little употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными, f ew , a few с исчисляемыми

I only need a few minutes to get ready.

Nadia drank a little coffee and no alcohol.

Few tourists come to the country in winter.

This summer was dry. There was little rain.

T his, that, these, those

t his – этот: Come this way, please.

that – тот:  Did you hear  that rain in the night?

these – эти: T hese potatoes taste burnt!

those – те: Who are those people over there?


Тренировочные упражнения

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. ____ need your help.


1) All them        3) All of they 2) All of them  4) All of theirs


2. – Whose pictures do you like?
– I like his and ____.


1) she                 2) her            3) hers             4) she's


3. Let ____ stay with us here.


1) she                 2) she's          3) her               4) hers


4. I'm lonely. I've got ____ to talk to.


1) something      2) anything   3) anybody      4) nobody


5. Have you read ____ these books?


1) any                2) some         3) most            4) any of


The computer will turn ____ off if you don't use it.

1) you                2) it               3) yourself       4) itself


Mark had a bigger meal than ____.


1) I                2) me             3) my               4) mine


8. If people work too hard they can make ____ ill.


1) themselves     2) them         3) each other   4) their own


Jane looked at ____ in the mirror to check the make up.


1) herself            2) her            3) she              4) hers


10. It makes ____ wonder why we keep electing them.


1) myself            2) me             3) I                  4) to me


Контрольный тест

Выберите правильный вариант ответа


1. Young children should not go swimming ____.


1) their own       2) on their own 3) by own        4) of theirs


2. What I did was wrong. I am ashamed of ____.


1) me                 2) my own    3) myself         4) of mine


3. She enjoyed ____ during the holiday.


1) her                 2) of her own 3) of hers         4) herself


4. – Can I take another apple?
– Of course. Help ____.


1) you                2) to you       3) yourself       4) of yours


5. The man I was talking to had ____ car stolen.


1) his                 2) him           3) of his           4) of him


6. Once I saw a tiger in the jungle and even looked into ____ eyes and face.


1) his                 2) it's             3) it                 4) its

7. – Is that man one of your relatives?
– No, he is a friend ____.


1) my                 2) mine          3) by myself    4) of mine


8. I sometimes ask ____ why I work in a noisy, dirty city.


1) me                 2) my own    3) myself         4) by myself


9. Hurry up! We've got____ time.


1) a lot               2) little          3) few              4) a few


10. She doesn't speak much German. Only ____ words.


1) the                 2) a few         3) any              4) little


Предлоги играют в английском языке исключительно важную роль, так как, если в русском языке отношения между словами в предложении выражаются не одними предлогами, а предлогами и падежными окончаниями, в английском языке эти отношения выражаются только предлогами. Вот почему так важно знать предлоги и случаи их употребления.


Наиболее употребительные предлоги

Of – соответствует русскому родительному падежу

To – ------------------------------ дательному ----------

With, by – -----------------------творительному --------

About – ------------------------- предложному ---------

In – в (чём-то), через (отрезок времени)

On – на (чём-то), в (с названиями дней недели и датами)

At – у, в, на (точное время на часах)

By – к (определённому времени)

Under – под (чем-то)

Above – над (чем-то)

Over – --------------

In front of – перед чем-л. впереди чего-л.

Behind – позади, за чем-либо

Between – между (двумя)

Among – среди (более двух)

Through – через, сквозь

From … till – от … до

For – в течение (отрезка времени), за, для

During – во время чего-либо

Before – до, перед

After – после чего-либо

Since – с (какого-либо времени)

To – к, в, на

Into – в, во внутрь чего-либо

From – от, из, с

Out of – из, изнутри чего-либо

Beyond – за (пределами чего-либо)

Within – в (пределах чего-либо)



Тренировочные упражнения

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