Fig. 45 Three types of plate boundaries

Geophysicists also talk of active margins (where colliding continental and oceanic plates spark off volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and mountain building) and passive margins (tectonically quiet boundaries between continental and oceanic crust).

(Lambert “The Field Guide to Geology” 1988, Cambridge University Press)

Discussion questions:

1. What comprises the Earth’s surface?

2. What is a plate?

3. What do the plates make up?

4. What shifts the plates?

5. How many types of plate margins are there?

6. What is

- a constructive margin -a destructive margin -a conservative margin

7. What is the difference between active and passive margins?

8. The map shows major plates. Name them.


COMPREHENSION 1.1 Vocabulary

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the geographical terms and especially to the pronunciation of numbers (R.P.-8.2.3)

Tethyan (Alpine-Himalayan)           Aleutian Islands

Circum-Pacific                                 The Andes

Ural Mountains                               The Alps


Pay attention to the terms and expressions in bold

plateau                                  плато, плоскогорье

range (ranges)                       горный хребет (горная страна)

mountain chain (range)         горная цепь

mountain system                  горная система

orogenesis                             орогенез; горообразование

to disrupt                              нарушать

mobile belt                            подвижный пояс

lithospheric plate                  литосферная плита

crustal deformation               деформация земной коры

mountain building                 горообразование

orogen                                   ороген, горно-складчатое сооружение

orogenic                                орогенический; горообразующий

uplift                                     поднятие (участка земной коры)

to weld (together)                  соединять

scrap                                     скрап; обломок

to sweep                               перемещать; сносить

terrane                                  террейн

to squeeze                             сдавливать; выжимать

to bob up                              возникать

to ruck up                             нагромождать, собирать(ся) складками

to shrink                               сокращать

alien rock                              «чуждые» породы

MOUNTAIN BUILDING (R.P – 8.2.7, 8.2.8, 8.2.9)

Large regions of the Earth consist of mountains. Most occur in rows called ranges. Parallel ranges and intervening plateaus form chains such as the Andes and North American Cordillera. Related mountain chains and ranges make up mountain systems, notably the Tethyan (Alpine-Himalayan) and Circum-Pacific systems.

Orogenesis, or mountain building, occurs along mobile belts – places where colliding lithospheric plates disrupt the continental crust. Such mountain-building belts are known as orogens and orogenic belts are belts of fold mountains – mountains created by crustal deformation and uplift. Geologically recent orogenic belts mostly rim continents. But ancient orogenic belts (the Ural Mountains for example) can occur deep inside a continent where lithospheric plates were welded together long ago.

Fig. 46 Mountain building

Mountain building is a complex process. Deep troughs of accumulated offshore sediment, volcanic rocks, bits of oceanic crust, and scraps of foreign continents can all be swept against one continent and welded on as mountain ranges. Most of mountainous western North America consists of more than 50 suspect terranes – mighty slabs of alien rock that independently rotated and migrated north along the western edge of North America.

Here are three major mountain-building processes. 1. Oceanic plate subduction below another oceanic plate – this process created the Aleutian Islands and other mountainous island arcs.

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