What is the: Qur’an? Sira? Hadith?

Qur’an : 114 suras or chapters organized approximately according to length and Mecca/Medina distinction. Qur'anic interpretation of tafsir ( A Qur'anic tafsir attempts at providing explanation, interpretation, or commentary) explains the 'occasion of revelation' for each sura and verse. For example, sura 96 near the end, is said to be the first words of Gabriel to Muhammad. But tafsir depends on hadith, and hadith are oral, being put down in writing only 230 or so years after the time, and have problems of their own, so one has to trust the tradition. 'Occasion of revelation' gives vital context, and interlocks with the idea of 'abrogation': 'abrogation' is when a later verse replaces an earlier one - e.g. complete abstention from win abrogates a verse prohibiting wine only before prayer.


Sira: biography of the prophet. Ibn Ishaq (editor of the Sira) in turn got much material from Al-Zuhri ( one of the first writers of Muhammad life) compiled events relating to the time of the Companions and the Prophet (oral). A khabar (lit. 'piece of news') differs from a hadith in being related to a specific date and event; a hadith is not linked to an event. But the two are often close, and sometimes had similar lines of transmission.


Hadith: Thousands of sayings by and about the Prophet handed down by the Companions and other first-generation Muslims. They were transmitted orally and committed to writing in the 800s. Four collections became the standard ones. Topics include: belief, knowledge, ghusl, wudu, prayer, hajj, fasting, penalty of hunting while on pilgrimage, loans, partnership, creation, prophets, food, meals, oaths, apostates, dreams, merits of the helpers in Medina etc.



Why was the hijra to Medina so important? What is the significance of the Constitution of Medina?


His own flight marks the third stage, and is called the Hijra (or ‘flight’). The Muslim calendar is actually numbered from the year of this flight from Mecca, such an important turning-point was it in Islamic history: Muhammad and his followers took a gamble, deciding to abandon their very homes, properties, tribal ties, and families in a bid to actually make the dream of monotheism work in this world.


What are the greater and lesser jihad?

Jihad – religious duty of Muslims to maintain and spread the religion. Jihad – the act of ‘striving, struggling, fighting’.

Lesser outer jihad - a military struggle, holy war. Greater inner jihad – the struggle of personal self-improvement against the self’s base desires. The struggle against oneself.

“Many of the community were looking for alternatives to fighting: it was not something they relished. A revelation from the Qur’an put it this way, though: “You dislike this thing [fighting], when it may be a good thing for you.” Other revelations confirmed it: the Muslims under attack were given divine permission to defend themselves and fight their enemies. Fighting was to be seen as an extension of jihad. The word jihad means ‘struggle’, and had generally referred to the spiritual struggle to observe justice. Now it came to be extended: the fight for morality, equality and justice would move from within the soul to become armed conflict on the battle-field.”

“A word about jihad and Islamic fighting needs to be said. Often, people portray Islam as bloody and violent. They assert that this aggressiveness comes from the Qur’an and its vengeful God, Allah. Proponents of this view point especially to the so-called Sword Verse, Q.9.5 (sura 9, ayat – or verse – 5), which reads as follows:

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.”


How is the Qur’an arranged? What was its main message and attraction for new converts?

And indeed, the Qur'an takes its name from this first verb: Iqra/qara'a/qur'an - which means both a "reading" and a "recitation". For that is what the Qur'an came to be seen as by Muhammad and the early Muslims: a divine word, a new Logos, the very voice of God for a new age. In a certain sense, the Qur'an is for Islam what Jesus Christ is for Christianity: the uncreated word of God come into the world to guide men. You won’t get a clear chronological account of events. After Muhammad’s death, all the chapters that had been memorized by his followers were arranged in approximate order of length: the longest chapters (suras) went first, and the shortest came last. In fact, the opposite is true: as just mentioned, the shortest verses were revealed first, but in the Qur’an as a whole they come last: e.g. the sura Iqra (Recite!), with which Muhammad’s revelations began, is the 96th out of the total 114 suras. Mecca – short chapters, Medina – long. Due to the plenty of “occasions” and “abrogations”, everybody can find whatever he wants


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